Baran, the 10 year old child from Kobani, goes back to the playground with a smile, after the prosthetic limbs center restored the limbs he lost in the explosion that was caused by ISIS remnants of war.
Baran goes back to the playground with a smile on his face.
Remnants of war usually cause death among civilians, with the majority of the victems being children that are unaware of their danger, and one of these victems was the 10 years old Baran Mazen Qary, he fled along with his family from Kobani to their village “Yaraman” on Feb 18th 2023, escaping the aftermath of the earthquake that hit the area.
But Baran didn’t know that something terrible was going to happen while he was playing with his friends when they’ve found a cluster bomb that was left by ISIS, the bomb exploded resulting in Barans leg, and left arm being amputated, along with many wounds that almost took his life.
On Barans path of recovery, he is attending KRC’s prosthetic limbs center which is located in Qamishlo, where he was given physical therapy and psychological counseling for days.
So that Baran can recover what he lost because of that explosion,and to go back to playing with his friends again, and continue to live his childhood that he almost lost forever.