
Satement 9.dec

Kurdish Red Crescent opens an educational and recreational center for children in Barkhwadan camp

The Kurdish Red Crescent’s initiatives to provide safe spaces for children are an important step towards supporting children’s growth and well-being.
The Kurdish Red Crescent has set up a center consisting of 3 rooms and a safe space for children in Barkhdan camp in the Shahba region. Work on it took about two months, and the Sterk Child Care Organization will take over its mission. It is equipped with educational materials and interactive games, such as a ping pong table and art tools, which provides a stimulating environment that encourages children to learn and be creative.
In addition, the solar system helps ensure the continuity of educational and recreational activities for children, ensuring a sustainable and environmentally friendly educational environment.




Appealing for Aid to the oncology, Burn and thalassemia Hospital in NES

to read more please visit the link 


Distributing a batch of winter clothes to the displaced in Washokani camp

With the advent of winter and the difficulties faced by the displaced in the camps, the Kurdish Red Crescent distributed a batch of clothes for all age groups, especially children, in the Washokani camp for the displaced, west of the city of Hasakah.
The distribution process was coordinated between the Kurdish Red Crescent Center in the camp and the communes, to ensure that the clothes reach the largest possible number of beneficiaries.

pink month

In the Pink Month, breast cancer awareness continues in camps and centers
The month of October is called the pink month, and it is a month in which health campaigns strive to provide the necessary support to raise awareness of the danger of breast cancer and educate about its prevention.
Within this effort, health education teams provide awareness campaigns and brochures about breast cancer targeting women in camps in northern and eastern Syria, where they are introduced to this disease and how to detect it early, in addition to prevention measures, through visits inside the tent, as well as during Their reviews of the Kurdish Red Crescent centers located in each camp.

Awareness campaign about the negatives of cesarean section

The number of cesarean section births is increasing in general in the northeastern regions of Syria, which negatively affects women’s health in the long term. With the aim of raising the level of health education among them in the Shahba and Jazeera regions, health education teams affiliated with the Kurdish Red Crescent, in coordination with the Women’s Committee, have conducted a series of awareness lectures on the benefits of natural childbirth, breastfeeding, and the negatives of cesarean section and artificial feeding. This also included the distribution of thousands of awareness brochures within camps and villages, as well as medical points affiliated with the Kurdish Red Crescent and villages.

Awareness of the importance of breastfeeding is ongoing

Breastfeeding is one of the best investments to save infants lives, especially in improving health, social, and economic development.
As part of the activities of World Breastfeeding Week in August, the health education team at the Kurdish Red Crescent points in camps in northern and eastern Syria continues to provide guidance and awareness-raising tips to mothers during their visits to those points, including awareness about seasonal diseases such as diarrhea, and distributing brochures to them.
Breast milk is considered the ideal food for infants as it is safe, clean, and contains antibodies that help protect against many common childhood diseases.
Breast milk also provides all the energy and nutrients that the baby needs in the first few months of life, continuing to provide up to more than half of the child’s nutritional needs during the second half of the first year, and even a third during the second year of life.

اعلان وظيفة شاغرة :

المسمى الوظيفي: عامل دعم نفسي اجتماعي (PSS)
مكان العمل : القامشلي
ساعات العمل : من ٨ صباحا الى ال ٤ مساء
اخر موعد للتقديم : 6/7/2023
متطلبات العمل : شهادة جامعية في الارشاد النفسي، علم الاجتماع او مجال ذي صلة.
خبرة سابقة في مجال الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي
القدرة على القيام بجولات ميدانية
مهارات تواصل جيدة والقدرة على التعامل مع الافراد من خلفيات و ثقافية مختلفة
القدرة على تحمل ضغط العمل و العمل في بيئة سريعة الخطى
المهام و المسؤوليات:
– تقديم الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي للأفراد والمجموعات.
– تقديم النصح والإرشاد والدعم  للأفراد الذين يحتاجون إلى الدعم.
– تطوير وتنفيذ برامج الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي المختلفة في المنظمة.
– توثيق الأنشطة والتقارير الخاصة بالدعم النفسي الاجتماعي.
– التعاون مع فرق العمل الأخر في المنظمة لتحقيق أهداف البرامج والمشاريع المختلفة.
على الراغبين في التقديم ملئ استمارة التقديم على الرابط التالي:

Request for Proposal of prosthesis items

Request for Proposal of prosthesis items :
We are undertaking agreeing a Master Purchase Agreement with a company or firm that can provide prosthetic materials to The Kurdish Red Crescent center in Qamislo / North Syria.
More details in the links below
شمال سوريا /North Syria
العراق / Iraq