Stop violence against women” is a slogan for a better future for the world’s women”

The date of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women came from an incident on November 25, 1960, in which a brutal operation was carried out to assassinate the political activists of the “Mirabal Sisters” in the Dominican Republic on the orders of Dominican dictator “Rafael Trujillo”.

Therefore, the UN General Assembly select  25 November as the International Day for( the Eliminate Violence against Women  ) , also appealed  governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to organize activities that raise people’s awareness about the extent of the problem at this international celebration , Where women around the world are vulnerable to rape, domestic violence, female circumcision and other forms of violence.

Hundreds of Rojava citizen took part in a march against violence against women in effectiveness organized days ago, in addition to the participation of the Kurdish Red Crescent  ,today by putting up placards about  violence against women under the slogan “Stop violence against women” in the streets.

Under the slogan “with a spirit of volunteerism to humanity service ” The Kurdish Red Crescent held its first conference


With attended of a big number of guests and members , the Kurdish red crescent held its first conference in 5-11-2017 , Rumailan city.

The conference started with standing a silence moment on the souls of martyrs   ,then Mr. Ageid Ibrahim delivered the opening speech, welcoming the guests and the members,  also explaining the military and political situation in the region and the size of the standing of all the members of the Kurdish Red Crescent  of health services since 2012 until this moment.


Then some guests gave a speech congratulating first conference ofthe Kurdish Red Crescent, , and the invaluable and active work of the members. This was followed by a presentation a short film that summarizing the work of the Organization during in the past two ago.

Then the work, women and financial reports for the years 2016 and 2017 were read by the members, also the laws and administrative regulations of the Kurdish Red Crescent was read and amending some of the principles and paragraphs after discussing them with the members.

The conference ended with the election of two co-presidents to manage the Kurdish Red Crescent – branch of

.Aljazera in a democratic manner  with   participation of all members