An older woman represents the most beautiful form of steadfastness in face of the war

This woman, who resisted to going with Daesh and stood up to staying in her home, where she was insulted and severely beaten, because of she made this  decision.

 She remained in her chair for 8 days with its harsh nights ,she had not any food just had some water to drink.

At the end of the handover of the city of Raqqa to the Civil Council and in the liberation celebrations, one of the civilians heard when he left the celebration a voice came from one of the houses calling seeking for  (Khaeria). He rushed to find the Syrian Democratic Forces to enter and rescue the woman.

They brought her to the Kurdish Red Crescent Hospital (TSP2) where the paramedics improved her condition and handed her to her relatives in Al-Hamrat area of Al-Raqqa city.



Women of Kurdish Red Crescent hold an expanded coordination meeting

Women of Kurdish Red Crescent held a special meeting ,where they evaluated their work through a series of reports, comments and discussions aimed at developing the mechanism of women’s work in this humanitarian .institution in addition to suggestions that improve their work
The meeting was attended by all the women that working with the Kurdish Red Crescent, including the medical  facilities located in Raqqa andcamps: Hol, Arisha and other areas where the displaced.
The meeting began with a minute of silence on the souls of the martyrs. The members then began to read the reports of their work during the last period and comment on them and make some suggestions to develop their .work and preserve their rights

Kurdish Red Crescent Emergency System

Our center in Amouda provides incurable diseases medicines for more than 2984 patients during a year

Our center in Amouda provides incurable diseases medicines in Al Cezira and Kobani Canton, and it’s the first center in whole of Rojava. The Center provided medicine to 2984 patients during the past year and until the beginning of this April.
Patients benefiting from the service of center are as follows:
259 Renal Transplantation cases, 265 Hormonal and endocrine Disorders , 258 Genetic Diseases , 104 cases of Brucella  infection , 32 cancer ,  212 blood and coagulation Disorders , 1854  COPD insulin depending diabetic and Asthma.
The center opened since 20 December 2015 and provides medicines according to the possibilities to patients in all Al Cezira and Kobani Canton.
Media Office of Kurdish Red Crescent

The Kurdish Red Crescent in Sherawa

 Sherawa is one of the areas that is covering medically by The Kurdish Red Crescent to include all the following points and centres: Brad Medical Point: which has opened on 18_8_2015. Where there doctors for all specialties are keeping up there, on(Saturdays , Mondays , Thursdays). And the monthly rate for patients is about (200 to 250) patient and available medicine are given to them for free. Robar Camp Medical Point: This point has opened on 1_1_2014 which is near to Baslhaya village. For presenting medical care (clinic and medicine for displaced), where a doctor and a nurse are there on (Saturdays , Mondays) and the rate for patients is about 200 patient monthly. In addition, comprehensive vaccines are giving to children under 5 years old. And also tetanus vaccines for women in regular monthly vaccine sessions. And also lishmania clinic which is active on Saturdays and Mondays. Where the rate for patients is 15 patient monthly. Bassota Center For Vaccine: Was opened on 13_2_2017 in weekly vaccine sessions,

where the rate for vaccinated children is 30 children. And for Tetanus vaccine for women is 20 per week

The Kurdish Red Crescent Afreen branch / center

The first humanitarian organization in Afreen Canton where have done to presentation all helps in all domains for poors and needed people

In 2013 they have presented financial, morale , medical to IDPs of Shekh Meqsud in schools

In 2014 KRC has presented medical services to IDPs of Til Hasil , Til Arran, and  Ahrez in encampment of M. Dokhan in Kefir geneh

Now the center  is presenting the medical services, including ;

Dentists clinic : there are  2 dentists and nurse

A monthly  rate of patients are 120 patients.

Leishmania  clinic : there are a pharmacist and volunteers of KRC on each Saturday and Wednesday . the total of patients are 15 patients  per week

Pharmacy: pharmacist and 2 nurses a monthly rate of receipts are 350 receipt centralization

Injection programme: this programme present all injections of children under 5 years old, addition to injection of Tetanus for women a  weekly rate of children have injected are 80 children  and 30 women every Wednesday  per week.

The center going on to open nursing courses to all people , till now the center  have finished 3 courses

Support for displaced people in northern Raqqa

To response to Raqqa offensive, our team in Kobane and GireSIpe distributed Hygiene Kits for more than 1500 families those were displaced from Raqqa City.

The distribution areas were the camps and the villages northern Raqqa those hosted the IDPs , this operation were in coordination with UPP NGO and will be followed up until the end of March,

Our teams in Kobane and GireSipi are covering the health sector of the displaced people as well, through(Primary health care) mobile clinics in the north countryside of Raqqa and the camp,as well as (Secondary health care) through our fixed clinics and Hospitals in Kobane city

the Kurdish Red crescent – Sheikh Meqsoud center

In the Syrian crisis that have destroyed all human and natural sources and no exist for daily life services with insurance difficulty in all areas , Sheikh Meqsoud was one of these area that suffer a lot from this obstacle that’s why made Heyva Sor A Kurd to open a medical point in this area On 6th of January in  Yaseen Yassen school under name the clinic of Heyva Sor A Kurd ( the Kurdish red crescent ) after that have changed name to the clinic of M.Khaled  Feger who has martyred in it , he was pediatrician.

– the working has started with 7 volunteers and simple first aid till became a civil hospital,

content of : (35 medical team(4 doctors,18nurses,2managerial,2 assistants,5servants, and 4 drivers) addition to : (2 emergency section, laboratory, pharmacy, gynecology clinic , internal clinic )

– the center received monthly :

3640 patients who come back to check again with medical receipt

(225 dental check, 800 gynecology check, 102 emergency cases, 99 patient who follow up the laboratory , 40 resident patient addition to death cases )

The total of patients number -who have checked in 2016- are:36150 patients

Qamishlo Center provides services for more than 21,524 patients during 2016

Qamishlo Center provides services for more than 21,524 patients during 2016

Health center of the Kurdish Red Crescent in Qamishlo presented medical services to more than 21,523 patients during 2016 in there clinics from internal, children and leishmaniasis. Specialists doctors provide them with the necessary medications.

The children’s section 4991 case in addition to provide them by necessary medication.

10624 case from Interior section benefited from the services of the clinic ECG and Eco in addition to give medicines for asthma, diabetes, heart attack and the Interior to the patients.

While leishmaniasis section presented doses for 5909’s person give to them intramuscularly or topically depending on the situation.

The center help some citizens by providing them with surgical supplies and changing bandages of civilians wounded victims of the bombings in their homes.

The Kurdish Red Crescent offers many vaccines in Afrin and its environs

The Kurdish Red Crescent branch of Afrin in cooperation and coordination with MSF offeres many vaccines to curb the spread epidemics and diseases.

Afrin branch providing vaccines in Afrin center and its environs Mabatli and Jenderis every Wednesday.

The vaccination covered the following : (Polio – tuberculosis – hepatitis – measles – rubella – mumps – pertussis – tetanus – diphtheria – Haemophilus, influenzae).

In addition to these vaccines they give pneumococcal vaccine which is given for the first time in Syria and protects the child against many important and serious diseases like meningitis and pneumonia. Vaccines do not cause any side effects on children. the Medical staff who works to give vaccines, trainer and works under the supervision of specialized doctors group.